Creating Batch File to Map Network Drive

Creating Batch File to Map Network Drive

If you want to save time by creating a batch file that when you click on it it will automatically map the drive for you.  Or if the map network drive keep disconnecting every time you restart your computer, then you can put the batch file in the start up folder so that it run every log in. 

  1. Open Notepad (Start>Run>Type Notepad or Start>Programs>Accessories>Notepad)
  2. Type @echo Create new L: drive mapping (The drive letter could be any letter)
  3. Type @net use L: \\Network path /persistent: yes (The Network path is the path where you want to mapped to)
  4. If you want to mapped multiple drive just keep repeating step 2 and 3
  5. Type :exit
  6. @pause
  7. Click File and select Save As
  8. Navigate to where you want to save it
  9. Name it and Make sure at the end of the name you add .bat
  10. Click OK
  11. Now navigate to where you save it and click on it
  12. A command prompt should appear
  13. Then Press any key to exit

It should looks something like this:

@echo Create new L: drive mapping
@net use L: \\network path /persistent:yes
@echo Create new K: drive mapping
@net use K: \\
network path /persistent:yes