Reset Local Group Policy to Default in Windows XP

Note: This process is applicable foe only stand alone computers.


1.Login through theAd m in istrator account.
2.Delete the%Systemroot %\System32\Gro upPo lic y folder.
3.Now, Click Start, click Run, typecmd, and then press ENTER.
4.In Command Prompt type the following command, and then press

gpupdate /Force
Note: It will forcefully apply the default group policy to the Local computer.
Other Options ofgp update command
/Target:{Computer | User} Specifies that only User or only Computer policy
settings are refreshed. By default, both User and Computer policy settings are
/Force Reapplies all policy settings. By default, only policy settings that have
/Wait:{value} Sets the number of seconds to wait for policy processing to

finish. The default is 600 seconds. The value ‘0’ means not to wait. The value ‘-1’ means to wait indefinitely. When the time limit is exceeded, the command prompt

/Logoff Causes a logoff after the Group Policy settings have been refreshed.

This is required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process policy on a background refresh cycle but do process policy when a user logs on. Examples include user-targeted Software Installation and Folder Redirection. This option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require

/Boot Causes a reboot after the Group Policy settings are refreshed. This is

required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process policy on a background refresh cycle but do process policy at computer startup. Examples include computer-targeted Software Installation. This

option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require a reboot.
/Sync Causes the next foreground policy application to be done chronously.

Foreground policy applications occur at computer boot and user logon. You can specify this for the user, computer or both using the /Target parameter. The /Force and /Wait parameters will be ignored if specified.