Create usb bootable windows install USB Drive

bootable USB guide, here we assume that you are using either Vista or Windows 7 to create a bootable USB.

1. Insert your USB (4GB+ preferable) stick to the system and backup all the data from the USB as we are going to format the USB to make it as bootable.

2. Open elevated Command Prompt. To do this, type in CMD in Start menu search field and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Alternatively, navigate to Start > All programs >Accessories > right click on Command Prompt and select run as administrator.

3. When the Command Prompt opens, enter the following command:

DISKPART and hit enter.

LIST DISK and hit enter.

Once you enter the LIST DISK command, it will show the disk number of your USB drive. In the below image my USB drive disk no is Disk 1.

4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are self explanatory, you can easily guess what these commands do.

SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number)






(Format process may take few seconds)


Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it.

5. Insert your Windows DVD in the optical drive and note down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. Here I use “D” as my optical (DVD) drive letter and “G” as my USB drive letter.

6. Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:

6.1. Change directory to the DVD’s boot directory where bootsect lives:
cd d:\boot

6.2. Use bootsect to set the USB as a bootable NTFS drive prepared for a Vista/7 image. I’m assuming that your USB flash drive has been labeled disk G:\ by the computer:
bootsect /nt60 g:

(Where “G” is your USB drive letter)

7. Copy Windows DVD contents to USB.

You are done with your bootable USB. You can now use this bootable USB as bootable DVD on any computer that comes with USB boot feature (most of the current motherboards support this feature).

Note that this bootable USB guide will not work if you are trying to make a bootable USB on XP computer.

Install vmware tools in ubuntu server command line

Ubuntu Server with only a Command Line Interface

  1. In Fusion, Workstation, Player, or ESXI, go to Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools.
  2. In the Ubuntu guest, run these commands:
    1. sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom

      When prompted for password, enter Ubuntu’s admin user password.

    2. sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    3. Run this command to find the exact name of the VMware Tools bundle; the file name varies depending on your version:

      ls /mnt/cdrom

    4. tar xzvf /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-<x.x.x-xxxx>.tar.gz -C /tmp/

      Note: <x.x.x-xxxx> is the version discovered in the previous step.

    5. cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/
    6. sudo ./ -d

      Note: The -d switch assumes that you want to accept the defaults. If you do not use -d, press Return to accept the defaults or supply your own answers.

  3. Run this command to reboot the virtual machine after the installation completes:

    sudo reboot

Disable IPV6 Server 2008 R2

You certainly can disable the IPV6 without harm if your not using iv6 enabled applications in your infrastructure.

There are some instances where it is offered to disable ipv6

to completely remove the ipv6 from your computer please do the following

Right Click Network Places
Select Manage Network Connections For each enabled and used NIC
Right Click – Local Area Connection – Select Properties
Networking Tab
DeSelect IPv6

after doing the above procedure you might have to use the registry editor aswell to completely disable the ipv6 tunnel

To completely disable IPv6 on a Windows Server 2008-based computer yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  2. Locate the following registry subkey:
  3. In the details pane, click New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  4. Type DisabledComponents, and then press ENTER.
  5. Double-click DisabledComponents, and then type 0xffffffff in Hexadecimal or 4294967295 in Decimal.Note The 0xffffffff value or the 4294967295 value disables all IPv6 components except for the IPv6 loopback interface.

Reset Local Group Policy to Default in Windows XP

Note: This process is applicable foe only stand alone computers.


1.Login through theAd m in istrator account.
2.Delete the%Systemroot %\System32\Gro upPo lic y folder.
3.Now, Click Start, click Run, typecmd, and then press ENTER.
4.In Command Prompt type the following command, and then press

gpupdate /Force
Note: It will forcefully apply the default group policy to the Local computer.
Other Options ofgp update command
/Target:{Computer | User} Specifies that only User or only Computer policy
settings are refreshed. By default, both User and Computer policy settings are
/Force Reapplies all policy settings. By default, only policy settings that have
/Wait:{value} Sets the number of seconds to wait for policy processing to

finish. The default is 600 seconds. The value ‘0’ means not to wait. The value ‘-1’ means to wait indefinitely. When the time limit is exceeded, the command prompt

/Logoff Causes a logoff after the Group Policy settings have been refreshed.

This is required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process policy on a background refresh cycle but do process policy when a user logs on. Examples include user-targeted Software Installation and Folder Redirection. This option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require

/Boot Causes a reboot after the Group Policy settings are refreshed. This is

required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process policy on a background refresh cycle but do process policy at computer startup. Examples include computer-targeted Software Installation. This

option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require a reboot.
/Sync Causes the next foreground policy application to be done chronously.

Foreground policy applications occur at computer boot and user logon. You can specify this for the user, computer or both using the /Target parameter. The /Force and /Wait parameters will be ignored if specified.

Creating useful windows shortcuts

My Computer:
explorer.exe /root,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

My Computer with C drive selected:
explorer.exe /select,c:

My Network Places:
explorer.exe /root,,::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}

Start a Network Connection: (replace ConnectionName with the name of the connection)
rundll32.exe rnaui.dll,rnadial ConnectionName

Recycle Bin:
explorer.exe /root,,::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

Empty Recycle Bin: (may not work correctly)
cmd.exe /C del /F /Q C:\RECYCLER\*.*

Task Manager:

Computer Management:

System Properties:
control.exe sysdm.cpl

Volume Control:

Date and Time Properties:
control.exe timedate.cpl

shutdown.exe -l

Switch User / Lock Computer:
rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

shutdown.exe -r

shutdown.exe -s

Shutdown (abort):
shutdown.exe -a

Reinstall windows update service windows xp

To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type explorer, and then click OK.
Locate the following folder:
Note The %windir% placeholder represents the path of the WINDOWS system folder. Typically, C:\WINDOWS is the path of the WINDOWS system folder.

The inf folder is a hidden folder. To view the inf folder, follow these steps:
On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
In the Advanced settings list, click Show hidden files and folders under Hidden files and folders.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Double-click the inf folder, right-click au, and then click Install.
Click Browse. Locate and then click the %windir%\ServicePackFiles\i386 folder if the following conditions are true:
You installed Windows XP SP2 from a Windows XP SP2 CD that included SP2 as part of the base installation.
You downloaded and installed Windows XP SP2 from the Microsoft Web site.
Windows XP SP2 was included with the computer.
Note If the ServicePackFiles folder is not present on the computer, you can copy the files from a slipstreamed Windows XP SP2 installation CD.
Click OK to copy the files.
Change the setting on the computer not to display hidden files and folders. To do this, follow these steps:
On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
In the Advanced settings list, click Do not show hidden files and folders under Hidden files and folders.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Restart the computer.

Openfire install as a service

Go to installed directory of openfire. ex. c:/program files/openfire/etc

Windows Service

If you’re running Openfire on Windows, you will likely want to run Openfire as a standard Windows service after initial setup. If you used the Windows installer, a openfire-service.exe file will be in the bin directory of the installation. You can use this executable to install and control the Openfire service.
From a console window, you can run the following commands:

openfire-service /install — installs the service.
openfire-service /uninstall — uninstalls the service.
openfire-service /start — starts the service
openfire-service /stop — stops the service.

Using VI for basic editing in unix

1. Use vi text editor by entering vi (and file name)
2. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor.
3. Press i to enter Input mode.
4. Press ESC, followed by : to exit Input Mode.
5. The cursor will move to the bottom of the screen.
6. Enter wq! to save the file and exit.

VMware Player 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)

$ chmod +x VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.i386.bundle
Next, acting as root, I executed the file:
$ sudo ./VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.i386.bundle
This will start the VMware Player Installer. After answering the questions whether I want to immediately check for updates and whether I want to support the development, the actual installation starts.